"My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country." -John F. Kennedy

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Life Lately...

Me giving Baby Charlie a bottle at the park
Henry, Aunt Emily, Patrick

These are two of my three wonderful nephews. They are definitely going to be the hardest part of  leaving whenever I leave for the Air Force, knowing I won't get to see them everyday is going to be really hard.
 It's crazy and it makes me feel old watching these two grow up. It seems like not so long ago, I got the little pink slip in Mr. Walkers Algebra class that said "Baby is here, everyone is doing okay," Now there are three of them and they laugh, they run around, they never stop talking, they fight, they call me by my name, and they're starting to do school lessons with grandma. (Well baby Charlie doesn't do all of this quite yet..)

Yesterday, my mom, my sister and me took the boys to Sauder Village in Archbold, Ohio. Sauder Village is a historic village with buildings that you can go visit and learn about how life was for the first people to live in this country. We went through about every building, there are shops, school houses, trading posts, houses, farms and about everything you could imagine you would need in a town. There is a person in about every stop to tell you the history of it and what it was used for way back when. The boys seemed to enjoy themselves, I know I did.
I went to Sauder Village in fifth grade and liked it but I didn't pay attention to the history inside of it, going back yesterday I learned a lot about how things worked, it was really interesting.
Henry in a shop
Amber, Charlie, Henry, Patrick, Me

The boys in "School"
Patrick laying in a WigWam

The boys in a TeePee
PatPat in a shop

Henry laying in a WigWam

The boys towards the end of the day

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