On our way to Florence, we stopped in a little town called Padua, Italy to do some grocery shopping, Tom-Tom told us that there was a grocery store there. The grocery store was barely even in the town, it was just on a little side street hidden underneath and apartment complex. We were all getting frustrated looking for this little store. The stores are a lot different in Europe, they have a variety of cheeses, and tons of seafood that still had eyes just laying on ice in coolers. It was a neat experience but I like American grocery stores... where the seafood can't stare at me. We drove through the Apennine Mountain range to get to Florence, I remember seeing a few hills with just rows and rows of grape vines on them. There was tunnel after tunnel going through mountains, it was gorgeous. Finally, we arrived at Campeggio Michaelangelo and Tom-Tom was yelling us to turn around as soon as possible, we unpacked camp and relaxed.
(A tunnel going through a mountain)
Later that day, we went to Piazza Michelangelo, its a square that looks over the city of Florence, it has the statue of David in it. It was really neat to look over the city, we could see for miles. I bought a sweater at the square and bought my mom a tea towel with Italy on it.My grandparents and Katy on our way to the square.
Me standing at the square above Florence.
Little did we know that tomorrow we would be climbing to the top of that cathedral.
(This was me and Katy's home for a month.)
At Campeggio Michaelangelo I remember that we were parked at the bottom of one of the steepest hills I have ever gone up, all the utilities were at the top of the hill. It was nice to know that every time that we walked up it we were deffinatly working our butt and calves but it got annoying because just when Katy and I got all settled back at camp we remembered that we had forgotten to brush our teeth, or we had to go to the bathroom, that hill was a killer after awhile. The next day we visited Florence (I'll have a Day 2 post for it).
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