"My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country." -John F. Kennedy

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

European Adventure: Entreveux, France

June 12, 2010
Day 1
     After Cervo, we left Italy and traveled north into France. We stopped in a town called Entreveux. I really enjoyed Entreveux. There was about a 3 mile walk from the campground on a trail with many deadly cliffs to get to the town. On the first night Katy and I borrowed my grandpas GPS and went on the trail. We walked around the town and it was completely quiet, every group we walked by was dead silent. It kind of got a little bit scary after a bit.
     On our way back down the trail with about a mile left my grandma met up with us, she was worried that we had been eaten by sheep dogs. It turns out that there are sheep in the mountains and, if you try to photograph them the guard dogs will take it as a threat and attack you.
     After getting back to our site we went up to a little lake by the camp office. We could kayak and canoe all we wanted so we took advantage of that offer quickly.

Day 2

Katy underground in the Citadel

The city of Entreveux from the trail.

Way up on top of that mountain is the Citadel

A STONE BED! in the Citadel

To the Left, a drawbridge into the Citadel, to the Right me sitting on a stone bed

     Our second day in Entreveux we went into the town to actually site see. The town had a citadel that we could go up to. I really enjoyed the Citadel, it was once used when the town was very old and people would take refuge there if they were going to be attacked. Probably one of my favorite things about the trip.

To the right, Me Kayaking at the campground.

European Adventure: Italy

June 9th-11, 2010
     On this day we visited Pisa, Italy. We saw the leaning tower and the baptistry. We were only in Pisa for about 20 minutes because it was just a quick stop on our way to Cervo, Italy. 

This is kind of a funny story.. we were not planning on going to Cervo, Italy..first we stopped where we had planned in a place called Partacci. It was a really gross campground to say the least.. there were bugs everywhere and it was kind of sketchy. Katy and I still went to check out the local beach only to see a few rather old and wrinkly men in brightly colored speedos laying on the beach. 

Needless to say, we packed up and left Partacci as early as we could the following morning. We ended up in a better town called Cervo. Cervo had a wonderful campground and a private beach for the people staying there. There was a nice little city on the hill and the weather was very warm. Katy and I spent few days being lazy on the beach.